We often get asked what type of a result will we achieve!
There are many factors at play however most of the time the better condition the tiles are in the better the end result will be.
We generally have to do more work to clean and repair very damaged floors which has an adverse effect on the finish.
Take this floor for example that we completed in Potters Bar North London (pics)
The floor was as bad as they get and it took us about 7 -8 days to do. There where many replacement tiles and in the end we where left with a fairly decent result. Off course with more time on the job it would have got better and better but after a week and a half on this one the client had reached the limit for their floor tile expenditure.
Certain factors such as tile color, polishing requirements and client expectations also play a major role in the end result, but with a week on the job we can usually achieve good results.